Department of Reflective Pedagogy and Early Childhood Studies
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Engaging practitioners as co-researchers in national policy evaluations as resistance to patriarchal constructions of expertise: the case of the end of year three evaluation of the access and inclusion model
(Frontiers Media, 2022-12-23)Seventeen Practitioner Researchers (PRs) were engaged as co-researchers in an evaluation commissioned by Ireland’s Department of Childhood, Equality, Disability, Integration, and Youth (DCEDIY), as an innovative aspect in ... -
Playful maths! The influence of play-based learning on academic performance of Palestinian primary school children
(Springer, 2022-02-11)This study explores the relationship between play-based learning and achievement in mathematics in Palestinian elementary school children. Forty teachers from eight schools received training in play-based pedagogies and ... -
The clustering of physical activity and screen time behaviours in early childhood and impact on future health-related behaviours: a longitudinal analysis of children aged 3 to 8 years
(BMC, 2022-03-21)Meeting physical activity and screen time guidelines has been associated with improved health in children. Research has shown that lifestyle behaviours happen in combination and can be tracked into later life. Thus, a ... -
The impact of usage-based approaches on second language learning and teaching
(Cambridge University Press, 2020-09)The application of usage-based models of language learning began to gain ground in the early twenty-first century, particularly in the field of first language acquisition, and, more recently, are gaining traction in second ... -
Data-driven learning: a call for a broader research gaze
(Cambridge University Press, 2021-04)Over the last three decades, data-driven learning (DDL) has been widely championed by those of us who see the exciting opportunities that it can bring to the language learner. From the initial days of DDL, there has been ... -
Stories from school! A narrative inquiry exploring primary teachers' experiences of school-based teacher education
(2021-04-07)‘Stories from School!’ is a personal, philosophical, and educational endeavour which applies narrative (Clandinin and Connelly,1990,1994,1995,1996, 2000; Clandinin 2006, 2013, 2020, Speedy, 2001, 2008; Kim 2016; Craig 2011, ... -
Ideology vs. reality – an exploration of the relationship between governance and management, and quality early childhood care and education provision
(2021-04-07)This research study explores the relationship between governance and management and, quality provision within the early childhood care and education system. This unique study comes at a time of unprecedented change within ... -
‘One Gives You Roots, the Other...Wings’: Understanding the experiences of children on the autism spectrum and their parents as they co-navigate the Irish early years education system together
(2021-02-19)This study explores the experiences of parents and their young children before, during and after accessing preschool and primary school education, placing particular emphasis on the factors that enabled or hindered their ... -
‘One gives you roots, the other...wings’: understanding the experiences of children on the autism spectrum and their parents as they co-navigate the Irish early years education system together
(2021-02-19)This study explores the experiences of parents and their young children before, during and after accessing preschool and primary school education, placing particular emphasis on the factors that enabled or hindered their ... -
Get up! Stand up! (version 2) : an evaluation of a school-based social skills programme
(2020-01-07)Background: Social and emotional (SE) skills play an important role in a person’s development, while a range of negative outcomes are associated with poor SE skills (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning ... -
A melange or a mosaic of theories? How theoretical perspectives on children’s learning and development can inform a responsive pedagogy in a redeveloped primary school curriculum
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2018)We are living in a rapidly evolving society, where cultural, ethnic, religious, and linguistic diversity is the norm. Parallel to this changing societal zeitgeist is the development of an increasing awareness and understanding ... -
Unequal at birth: inequalities in the occurrence of low birthweight babies in Ireland
(Institute of Public Health [Ireland], 2006) -
'Working together to develop the 3Rs' - an exploration of roles, responsibilities and relationships between ECCE students and teachers in Irish primary school infant classrooms
(CECDE [Centre for Early Childhood Development and Education], 2007)In recent years, several key policy documents have advocated the need for further collaborative working among professionals in the area of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) to provide more cohesive and coordinated ... -
What’s SWOT in attitudes towards young children in Danish after-school provision: perceptions from an ‘Irish lens’
(OMEP Ireland, 2008)Based on observations of afterschool provision and interviews with stakeholders in Copenhagen, Denmark, this paper presents a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis of the attitudes of adults ... -
Streets ahead: findings on outdoor play from the growing up in Ireland study
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2018) -
An exploration of the evidential base for early childhood education and care professional practice placement in higher education institutes in Ireland
(PLÉ [Pedagogy Learning Education], 2016) -
On your bike: outdoor play in Irish 5 year olds
(Children's Research Network, 2018)Under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), children have the right to play (UNCRC, 1989 Article 31) and the importance of outdoor play has been well-documented (Bento and Dias, 2017). From a ...