Supporting enterprise development in rural areas
O'Keeffe, Brendan. 2014. Supporting Enterprise Development In Rural Areas. Teagasc
O'Keeffe, Brendan. 2014. Supporting Enterprise Development In Rural Areas. Teagasc
There are many types of rural areas – each with their own distinctive development needs and resource potentials. Consequently, enterprise development strategies need to avoid a ‘one size fits all approach,’ and must take into account the differences
within and between rural areas at the regional and sub-regional levels. Policy and practice experiences over recent decades demonstrate the advantages that accrue from a mix of approaches that involve all tiers of government from the national to the local, and which allow for significant local adaptation and bottom-up inputs. Both Irish and international experience demonstrate the merits of place-based solutions over sectoral strategies. These imply that decision-making processes are collaborative, and require the promotion of multi-level governance.
EnterpriseRural areas