Department of English Language and Literature: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 249
At the hands of the Brothers: a corpus-based lexico-grammatical analysis of stance in newspaper reporting of child sexual abuse (Pre-published version)
(Palgrave-Macmillan, 2007)Over the last twenty years, the Irish people were confronted with a series of scandalous revelations about clergy and religious in Ireland; starting with the discovery that Eamonn Casey, while Bishop of Kerry, had fathered ... -
Reading and writing at university – raising genre awareness as initiation into a discourse community (Pre-published version)
(Reading Association of Ireland, 2003)The theoretical concepts of 'genre' and 'discourse community' will be drawn on in this paper to evolve a theoretical model that we hope to apply to the context of academic writing and to attainment at third level. Genre ... -
‘You’ve a daughter yourself?’: a corpus-based look at lexico-grammatical choices and pragmatic effects in question forms in an Irish radio phone-in (Pre-published version)
(Mouton de Gruyter, 2005)Questions are widely studied especially in institutional contexts where a pervasion of questions is characteristic of such genres, for example political interviews, doctor-patient exchanges, courtroom interactions, and ... -
Introduction: Language Awareness (Pre-published version)
(Taylor & Francis [Routledge], 2007) -
Analyzing spoken corpora (Pre-published version)
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2012) -
Spoken grammar (Pre-published version)
(National Geographic / Cenage, 2014) -
Introduction: International Journal of Corpus Linguistics (Pre-published version)
(John Bejamins, 2011) -
Introduction: Teanga (Pre-published version)
(IRAAL [Irish Association for Applied Linguistics], 2004) -
Pragmatics (Pre-published version)
(Cambridge University Press, 2015) -
Vague language
(Cambridge University Press, 2015) -
Seamus Heaney as aesthetic thinker: a study of the prose
(Syracuse University Press, 2016) -
Mobile technology and the actuvirtuali artifactual subject
(Peter Lang, 2012) -
An evolution of learner grammar: Insights from the English Grammar Profile
(ETI [Execuitive Training Institute] Malta, 2016) -
The devil is in the detail: Using corpora to investigate spoken language varieties
(AACL [American Association for Corpus Linguistics], 2014) -
Communities of (mal)practice? Exploring the interface of corpus linguistics and social theory
(University of Newcastle, 2014) -
We can check it in the corpus shur: Framing the use of corpus and corpus methodologies through an investigation of the pragmatic marker shur in Irish English
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2013) -
Modernity and postmodernity in a Franco-Irish context (Pre-published version)
(Peter Lang, 2008) -
Reinventing Ireland through a French prism (Pre-published version)
(Peter Lang, 2007)