Factual fictions: an investigation into audience understandings of documentary
The aim of this thesis is to investigate audience understandings of documentary. A review of the relevant literature was carried out on the areas of: the Evolution of Documentary; Subjectivity, Objectivity and Truth; Reality TV; and Audience Research. A survey was also conducted on 200 participants from Mary Immaculate College, Limerick in order to discover their views on documentary. The main findings showed that the majority of participants thought that the dictionary definition of documentary was an adequate descriptor of it. They also thought that while documentaries may be factual they are not necessarily truthful and that they should include a level of objectivity and balance. Further qualitative and extended quantitative research in this area in relation to the discernment of audiences‟ definition of documentary and its related terms: objectivity, subjectivity, truth, fact, and balance, is recommended in order to come to a fully contemporary definition of what documentary is from an audience perspective. Audience involvement in future redefinitions of this area should also be crucial. An accompanying documentary film which works as an appendix to the thesis was also made based on the research generated from the thesis.