Mary Immaculate Research Repository: Recent submissions
Now showing items 161-180 of 2067
An examination of the effect of green exercise and nature connectedness on the psychological well-being and attentional capacity of primary school-aged children
(2019-12-18)Aim Research into the positive impact of green exercise on the psychological well-being and attention of adults has been largely confirmatory. Early exploration into the effects of green exercise on children has produced ... -
An Exploration of the assessment for intervention model in an Irish educational psychological context
(2019-11-28)Aims The current research sought to explore the utility of the Assessment for Intervention (AFI) model in bridging the gap between assessment and intervention, through the conceptual lens of Ecological Systems Theory (EST) ... -
Can verbal working memory and processing speed distinguish between children who have English as an additional language and children with developmental language disorder?
(2019-11-28)Background: Children with English as an Additional Language (EAL) often present with language difficulties and make errors that are similar to children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD). Apparent language difficulties, ... -
An exploration into the activities, perceptions, and understandings of the role of the psychologist in infant mental health service provision
(2019-11-28)Aims: Research in the field of Infant Mental Health (IMH) suggests a lack of clarity and understanding regarding the practice of IMH and the boundaries that define the roles of professionals who work in this area. The ... -
What works: exploring the impact of a modified, universal, emotional regulation module for transition year students in an Irish post-primary school
(2019-11-12)Aims: The aim of this research was to explore the impact of a modified, emotional regulation module for a universal group of adolescents (Mean Age=15.49), in an Irish post-primary school. The study sought to examine ‘what ... -
Applying CA to a modes analysis of third-level spoken academic discourse (Pre-published version)
(Peter Lang, 2007)Given the dominance of English as the main language of academia (and we acknowledge the political implications of this statement), an accurate pedagogical description of it is important for those of us who are attempting ... -
Corpora and Media Studies (Pre-published version)
(Continuum, 2012)Traditionally, studies in media discourse have been divided into those that focus on spoken media (mostly radio genres) and those that focus on written media (mostly newspapers). Studies into spoken media discourse were ... -
Exploring indices of national identity in a corpus of radio phone-in data from Irish radio (Pre-published version)
(University of Valencia Press, 2002)Radio phone-in has a reflexive function in bringing the voices of a community to a community. For those who telephone the programme, it provides interpersonal communication even if they do not ‘go on air’. For those who ... -
Exploring television as an exponent of pragmatic and sociocultural information in foreign language learning (Pre-published version)
(CILT Publications, 2000)It is increasingly recognised that being both fluent and accurate in a foreign language will not always guarantee successful communication between speakers. According to Hyde (1998: 10), in his discussion on intercultural ... -
Corpora and the study of spoken language (Pre-published version)
(Mouton de Gruyter, 2008)Spoken corpora have evolved over the 40 last four decades from early attempts at corpus-building for the purposes of better understanding such phenomena as first-language acquisition, social variation and conversational ... -
Second language speaking (Pre-published version)
(Elsevier, 2006)Approaches to spoken language description have contributed to the understanding of second language speaking. Three theoretical frameworks have also provided insight. Language Identity looks at the impact an additional ... -
Using corpus approaches in English language teacher education (Pre-published version)
(Routledge, 2019)The aim of this chapter is to explore the ways in which corpus linguistics (CL) can facilitate teacher development in terms of content, pedagogy, technology, and research. Based on our own and other reported experiences ... -
At the hands of the Brothers: a corpus-based lexico-grammatical analysis of stance in newspaper reporting of child sexual abuse (Pre-published version)
(Palgrave-Macmillan, 2007)Over the last twenty years, the Irish people were confronted with a series of scandalous revelations about clergy and religious in Ireland; starting with the discovery that Eamonn Casey, while Bishop of Kerry, had fathered ... -
Reading and writing at university – raising genre awareness as initiation into a discourse community (Pre-published version)
(Reading Association of Ireland, 2003)The theoretical concepts of 'genre' and 'discourse community' will be drawn on in this paper to evolve a theoretical model that we hope to apply to the context of academic writing and to attainment at third level. Genre ... -
‘You’ve a daughter yourself?’: a corpus-based look at lexico-grammatical choices and pragmatic effects in question forms in an Irish radio phone-in (Pre-published version)
(Mouton de Gruyter, 2005)Questions are widely studied especially in institutional contexts where a pervasion of questions is characteristic of such genres, for example political interviews, doctor-patient exchanges, courtroom interactions, and ... -
Reflections on classic Gate plays by Mary Manning, Christine Longford, and Maura Laverty (Pre-published version)
(ISA [Irish Society for Archives], 2018)Last June, the Waking the Feminists organisation published Gender Counts (its eagerly-anticipated report on gender representation in Irish theatre), and the report confirmed what many Irish theatre fans suspected: during ... -
Goldsmith, the gate, and the 'hibernicising' of Anglo-Irish plays (Pre-published version)
(Peter Lang, 2018)In recent decades, Irish theatre-makers have frequently imposed Irish elements onto the “English” plays written by London-based, Irish Anglican playwrights. As discerning critics have long recognised, George Farquhar, ... -
John McGahern's 'Oldfashioned' and Anglo-Irish culture (Pre-published version)
(Manchester University Press, 2017)In John McGahern’s 1985 short story ‘Oldfashioned’, he ably demonstrates why a sensitive, bookish, Catholic young man raised in the repressive, anti-intellectual Irish Free State might be attracted to the way of life being ... -
Under-regarded roots: the Irish references in Sterne's "Tristram Shandy" (Pre-published version)
(CUP [Cork University Press], 2016)Laurence Sterne has always occupied an uncertain place within the Irish literary canon. Important commentators have consistently denied that his work is, in any significant way, Irish. Referring to the fact that the ... -
The intertextual presence of Samuel Beckett’s "All That Fall" in Martin McDonagh’s "Six Shooter" (Pre-published version)
(EUP [Edinburgh University Press], 2015)As many critics have pointed out, Martin McDonagh's work for the stage and screen is deeply indebted to the drama of Samuel Beckett. While critics have spotted most of McDonagh's intertextual debts to Beckett, they have ...