Mary Immaculate Research Repository: Recent submissions
Now showing items 221-240 of 2067
Introduction: International Journal of Corpus Linguistics (Pre-published version)
(John Bejamins, 2011) -
Introduction: Teanga (Pre-published version)
(IRAAL [Irish Association for Applied Linguistics], 2004) -
Pragmatics (Pre-published version)
(Cambridge University Press, 2015) -
Vague language
(Cambridge University Press, 2015) -
Exploring student learning and leadership through a university-community choral initiative (Pre-published version)
(Cambridge University Press, 2018)Within a rapidly changing higher education landscape, there is an increased need for universities to look beyond their ‘ivory towers’ and into their surrounding communities in preparing students for the ‘real world’. ... -
‘In their shoes’: exploring a modified approach to peer observation of teaching in a university setting (Pre-published version)
(Taylor & Francis [Routledge], 2013)Peer observation of teaching (POT) has become common practice in many universities. However, it could be argued that existing models often have limited scope for understanding the student experience. This study presents a ... -
Staticical preparation of teachers: preservice elementary teachers (PSTs) conceptions of distributions of data – thinking about measure of center and variability
(PME-NA [Psychology of Mathematics Education - North America], 2011)Prior research investigating PSTs’ statistical thinking is sparse, yet teacher educators need to know how best to prepare future teachers for their work and given the increasing importance of STEM education we need teachers ... -
Next steps in statistics education: identifying teacher professional development needs for teaching the data analysis component of primary level mathematics
(IASE [International Association of Statistics Education], 2009)This study reveals the pedagogical decision making undertaken when designing instruction for primary level statistics. We report on the activity of five groups of preservice teachers when engaging in Lesson Study and ... -
Getting the balance right: the equals sign
(INTO [Irish National Teacher's Organisation], 2011)Much of the number work carried out in primary classrooms contains elements of algebraic reasoning. In fact, equals sign work in junior and senior infants underpins much of the algebraic reasoning used in later years. In ... -
Abstract: Applying results of statistics education research to teaching statistics in Irish primary schools (Pre-published version)
(ISI [International Statistical Institute], 2011)In this research paper we explore the relationship between pre-service teachers' secondary mathematics scores and their readiness for teaching the new data analysis curriculum in Irish primary schools. Next we explore the ... -
Preface: statistics in early childhood and primary education
(Springer Nature, 2018) -
Lesson study in teacher preparation: driving inquiry and teacher noticing
(WALS [World Association of Lesson Studies], 2018) -
"ESRI research reviews new support programme for newly qualified teachers"
(ESRI [Economic & Social Research Institute], 2016)A new research report, ‘Review of the Droichead Teacher Induction Pilot Programme’, was published today by the ESRI and the Teaching Council,providing an in-depth examination of a new approach to teacher induction in primary ... -
Review of the Droichead teacher induction pilot programme (Working Paper)
(ESRI [Economic & Social Research Institute], 2015)The Droichead pilot programme is designed to provide whole-school support for teacher induction. The programme is innovative in being led at school level, by a Professional Support Team (PST) consisting of the principal, ... -
Indexing distributions of data: preservice teachers’ notions of representativeness (Pre-published version)
(Wiley, 2004)The purpose of the study was to identify strategies used by preservice elementary teachers to index distributions of data. A secondary purpose of the study was to investigate whether representational form influenced the ... -
Prospective primary teachers understandings of graphicacy (Pre-published version)
(Springer Verlag [Germany], 2016)This paper reports on the statistical knowledge of 456 entry-level, prospective teachers relating to data representation. We report on the responses of participants to three items sourced from the OECD Programme for ... -
Using architecture as a context to enhance students' understanding of symmetry
(AAMT [Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers], 2017)Working within the context of a contest to find the most beautiful tourist attraction in the world, Year 5 students investigate the most symmetric building from a short-list of three iconic buildings. This involves ... -
Practical problems: using literature to teach statistics
(NCTM [National Council of Teachers of Mathematics], 2016) -
A process of change in the teaching and learning of traditional music performance in Ennis, Co. Clare 1961-1980 (Pre-published version)
(St. Patrick's College, Dublin, 2011)Ennis, Co. Clare is now considered to be one of the principal strongholds of traditional Irish music practice in the world. However prior to 1961, the music practice in the town appears to have been limited to a few ...