Mary Immaculate Research Repository: Recent submissions
Now showing items 441-460 of 2067
Beyond basic ‘minding’: adopting an ecological, evidence based approach to promoting children’s well-being and developing child health advocacy with early childhood undergraduate students (Pre-published version)
(Children's Research Network, 2017)It is now well-acknowledged that the foundations of lifelong health are built in early childhood (Center of the Developing Child at Harvard, 2010). Internationally, there has been a growing body of evidence highlighting ... -
‘An undervalued, under-appreciated profession, long hours, hard work, poor pay’. A study of the professional identity of BA ECCE graduates
(Institute of Technology Sligo, 2012)Drawing upon a Bachelor of Arts (BA) ECCE graduate occupational profile survey, this paper explores the experiences of graduates with particular reference to the relationship between graduate qualifications and professional ... -
The effects of teacher professional development on rural students’ lexical inferencing skills
(Sage, 2016)Rural students are at risk for vocabulary underdevelopment and often have less access to educational resources. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effectiveness of an Internet-based Speech/Language ... -
Putting the learner into the curriculum, not the curriculum into the learner: a case for negotiated integrated curriculum
(University of Bahrain, 2014)The question “what is good teaching?” leads to further questions about the nature of curriculum and decision-making. This paper explores the need and feasibility of a Negotiated Integrated Curriculum (NIC) to better empower ... -
Research as a respectful practice: an exploration of the practice of respect in qualitative research
(Hipatia Press, 2016)This article explores the practice of respect within qualitative research methods. As interpersonal respect plays a significant role in the esteem felt within a relationship, it can also serve to cultivate trust between ... -
‘Learning to be more human’: perspectives of respect by young Irish people in prison
(Bergen Open Access Publishing, 2017)Respect is a fundamental aspect of how human beings relate to each other and, arguably, is a significant factor in the relationship between student and teacher. For incarcerated adults, the relationships they foster with ... -
Enaction and psychology (pre-published version)
(American Psychological Association (APA), 2013)The enactive approach to cognitive science aims to provide an account of the mind that is both naturalistic and nonreductive. Psychological activity is viewed not as occurring within the individual organism but in the ... -
The holy wells of County Kilkenny in terms of documentary coverage, location, ritual practice and onomastic concept
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2018)Not alone is water crucial for human existence but it is fundamental to human religious practices worldwide. This thesis examines holy-well definition which establishes that holy wells are generally natural sources of water ... -
Cad a spreagann rogha laethúil teanga sa Ghaeltacht: anailís ar an rogha teanga i nGaeltacht na nDéise
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2018)‘Cad a spreagann rogha laethúil teanga sa Ghaeltacht - anailís ar an rogha teanga i nGaeltacht na nDéise’ Is í aidhm an taighde seo chun a fhiosrú dé chúis go maireann an Ghaelainn i bpobal beag urlabhra in Oirdheisceart ... -
Performing the fractured puppet self : employing auto-ethnopuppetry to portray and challenge cultural and personal constructions of the disabled body
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2018)This research project examines personal and cultural constructs of the disabled body, with the creation of the puppet play Pupa as its practical culmination. The testimonials of six participants (including my own), all ... -
Doing it and meaning it (and the relationship between the two) (pre-published version)
(John Benjamins, 2005)A number of related approaches to cognition and consciousness have been gaining momentum in the literature in recent years, emphasizing the active, embodied nature of the mind and grounding mental states and processes in ... -
Loud crisis, quiet crisis: Varela’s proposal resonates in contemporary psychological science
(Constructivist Foundations, 2017)Open peer commentary on the article “Varela’s Radical Proposal: How to Embody and Open Up Cognitive Science” by Kristian Moltke Martiny. Upshot: Varela’s proposal that science should be open to the phenomena of experience ... -
Functional connectivity anomalies in adolescents with psychotic symptoms
(Public Library of Science, 2017)Background Previous magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) research suggests that, prior to the onset of psychosis, high risk youths already exhibit brain abnormalities similar to those present in patients with schizophrenia. ... -
“It’s very hard to know how much is the EAL and how much is the learning difficulty”: Challenges in organising support for EAL learners in Irish primary schools (Pre-published version)
(ILSA [Irish Learning Support Association], 2018)The growth in linguistic diversity in Irish primary schools presents significant opportunities. Learners for whom English is an additional language (EAL) contribute to the rich tapestry of our classrooms. However, ensuring ... -
Homilies for January
(The Furrow, 1988) -
A review of "The Limits of the Papacy: Authority and Autonomy in the Church" by Patrick Grantfield
(The Furrow, 1988)This book has a provocative title, but its substance is an exploration of the delicate relationship between Roman power and local autonomy in the Church. The author situates his study against the background of the last ... -
A review of "Becoming a Woman" by Valerie Vance Dillon; "Becoming a Man" by William J. Bausch
(The Furrow, 1990)The Christian view of sexuality is a wholesome one, yet many people perceive it to be negative and oppressive. How often we hear people speak on radio or television about their being 'liberated' from the strict Catholic ... -
A review of "Inside My Father's House" by George A. Kelly
(The Furrow, 1991)Mgr George Kelly is a well-known figure in the American Church. He is outspoken and controversial, holding strongly conservative views which he expresses with energy and enthusiasm. This book is a memoir of the years of ... -
A review of "Why You Can Disagree... and Remain a Faithful Catholic" by Philip S. Kaufman
(The Furrow, 1991)The basic thesis of this book is that Catholics have a right to know not only official Church teaching but also 'other information in the Church'. In his foreword, Richard A. McCormack, the distinguished moral theologian ... -
Lay and ordained ministry
(The Furrow, 2004)In the centuries immediately before Vatican II, the ordained priesthood was understood to be the exclusive locus of ministry in the Catholic Church. Since the Council, things have changed dra matically, and in some parts ...