Browsing Learning, Society and Religious Education (Peer reviewed publications) by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 36
Home-school-community liaison scheme: final evaluation report
(Educational Research Centre (St. Patrick's College, Dublin), 1994) -
The home-school-community liaison (HSCL) scheme: summary evaluation report
(Educational Research Centre (St. Patrick's College, Dublin), 1995) -
Three principles of Serendip : insight, chance, and discovery in qualitative research
(Qualitative Studies in Education: Taylor & Francis, 1996)This article discusses the role of serendipity in qualitative research. Drawing on ideas and methodological suggestions from a set of classic and recent fieldwork accounts, the authors examine conceptions of serendipity ... -
Changes in roles and relationships in a school-university partnership
(Caddo Gap Press, 1997) -
Developing reciprocal support among families, communities and schools: the Irish experience
(Jessica Kingsley, 2000) -
Time, space and presences: Bangladeshi girls' friendships in an English primary school
(Social Care Ireland, 2000)The study reported here examined what it is like to be and have friends and how developing conceptions of friendships become embedded in children's peer cultures. It took place in two mixed Year 5 and Year 6 classes in a ... -
Keeping track of vulnerable young people: A policy agenda
(Youth and Policy, 2001) -
Early Childhood Discourse: Problematising some Conceptual issues in Statutory Frameworks.
(Irish Educational Studies: Taylor & Francis (Routledge), 2002) -
The youth labour market in Cumbria: Employer and young people’s perspectives
(Institute for Employment Research, 2002)Significant changes have occurred in the pattern of post-compulsory destinations of young people in England over the past few decades, the most important of which has been the increasing proportion of school leavers ... -
Roots and Wings: Teacher Education for Diversity in a Changing Ireland
(Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy/The European Cultural Foundation, Dublin., 2003) -
Diversity in early years education North and South: Implications for teacher education
(The Centre for Cross Border Studies, 2004) -
Conversation: A key to relationship for action
(Columba Press, 2005) -
Gender and Religious Education in the Primary Classroom.
(Lumino Press, 2007) -
Teacher-Writer Memoirs as Lens for Writing Emotionally in a Primary Teacher Education Programme
(Teaching Education (Routledge), 2008)This paper examines student teachers experiences of writing emotionally through the lens of teacher-writer memoirs. The participants were ninety-nine postgraduate student teachers in a sociology of teaching module in an ... -
Invisibility and Inclusivity: Approaches to religious difference in schools.(Pre-Published version)
(Veritas:Ireland, 2008) -
God in the ‘bits and pieces of everyday’ – sacred objects and human encounter with the divine.
(Teaching Religious Education, 2008)