FACULTY OF ARTS: Recent submissions
Now showing items 501-520 of 951
The life and networks of Pamela Fitzgerald, 1773-1831
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2017)This thesis assesses the life of Pamela Fitzgerald. Crucially, it will attempt to tell the story of Pamela Fitzgerald from her own perspective, rather than the viewpoint of her husband, which has dominated for so long. ... -
Searching for moral dumbfounding: identifying measurable indicators of moral dumbfounding
(2017)Moral dumbfounding is defined as maintaining a moral judgement, without supporting reasons. The most cited demonstration of dumbfounding does not identify a specific measure of dumbfounding and has not been published in ... -
Gaeltacht uíbh ráthaigh – prófíl dhéimeagrafach agus socheacnamaíochta socio-economic and demographic profile
(Údarás na Gaeltachta, 2017)Mary Immaculate College and Limerick Institute of Technology are pleased to present this report to Comhchoiste Uíbh Ráthaigh Teo and Údarás na Gaeltachta. The Report, which provides a demographic and socio-economic profile ... -
Diaspora and Rootedness, Amateurism and Professionalism in Media Discourses of Irish Soccer and Rugby in the 1990s and 2000s
(Irish-American Cultural Institute, 2013)This article explores the tensions between conceptualizations of the nation in terms of diaspora and rootedness, and between amateurism and professionalism, in Irish media discourses of Irish soccer and rugby in the 1990s ... -
Keeping Them Under Pressure: Masculinity, Narratives of National Regeneration and the Republic of Ireland Soccer Team
(Routledge, 2005)Since 1988 the Republic of Ireland soccer team has been cast, in Irish media, as both symbol and material example of social, economic and cultural regeneration in Ireland. This paper argues that such claims are narrative ... -
Let Ireland weep: poetry of loss in the First World War
(Dublin Institute of Technology, 2015) -
Negotiating multimodality in graphic narratives :an exploration of stream of consciousness techniques in Batman: The dark knight returns; Watchmen; and From hell
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2016)This thesis will address the narratological strategies that the graphic novels Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Watchmen, and From Hell employ in order to document the manner in which a stream of consciousness can be ... -
Religion, values, and secularization in Europe: a multilevel. cross-national, comparative analysis of the European Values Study Data
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2017)This thesis examines the relationship between religion and values through an analysis of the four waves of the European Values Study 1981 -2008. The thesis engages with key conceptualisations and theorisations of the ... -
Once upon an ideology: exploring the ideologies and identities of female figures through a selection of classic and contemporary fairy tales
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2015)This thesis examines the ideologies and identities of women in selected traditional and contemporary fairy tales. It does this by utilising existing folklore theory but also by drawing on various literary theory theoretical ... -
Truth, being and the work of art: reflections on Heidegger's and Gadamer's interpretations of the tradition
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2016)This thesis addresses the fundamental and interrelated questions of truth and being, which have occupied Western philosophical thought since the time of the Ancient Greeks, giving particular attention to how they relate ... -
Traversing the abyss: saintliness and the quest for meaning in Tolstoy and Nietzsche
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2015)The positions of Nietzsche and Tolstoy as 'prophets of dissent' in relation to modern culture and modern civilization is now widely recognised (Riser, 2006: passim), and in that broad sense their status as two of the most ... -
A case study approach to the language status, motivation and attitude in both an immersion and non-immersion setting at Primary Level in Ireland.
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2016)This project is titled; A Case Study Approach to the Language Status, Motivation and Attitude in both an Immersion and Non-immersion Setting at Primary Level Ireland, and it sets out to explore and examine the status of ... -
Deconstructive journalism: the influences of Jacques Derrida and Edward Said on the thought and writing of Robert Fisk
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2014) -
Hurling giants
(Waterford Institute of Technology and Fullam family, 2016) -
The role of self-regulatory individual differences in counterfactual thinking
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2013)The aim of this research was to investigate the role of self-regulatory individual differences in counterfactual thinking. In particular, we examined individual differences in autonomy, action/state orientation and ... -
'Mercy and righteousness have met': literary structure as key to the centrality of mercy in Romans
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2013)The aim in presenting this dissertation is to establish the thesis that one fundamental literary structure identifiable in Romans provides a clue to a satisfactory reading of the Letter. By ‘satisfactory reading’ I mean a ... -
Fanon's one big idea: Ireland and postcolonial studies
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2004)Postcolonial theory has been, and remains, one of the dominant modes of literary and cultural criticism within the broader discourse of Irish Studies. This thesis will provide a summary theoretical interrogation of the ... -
How does the left hand know what the right hand is doing?: An investigation of the mechanisms underpinning the intermanual transfer of acquired skilled hand movement as postulated by the Proficiency, Callosal Access and Cross Activation Models.
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2013)This thesis proposes that the data conflicts observed in studies of three models of intermanual transfer (the Proficiency Model (Laszlo, Baguley, & Bairstow, 1970), the Callosal Access Model (Taylor & Heilman, 1980) and ... -
Phenomenology in laboratory-based tasks: exploring methodologies that integrate experiential reports with behavioural measures in psychological research
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2016)Disparate research traditions in the study of experience have led to contentious arguments over the use of first-person methods in psychological research (Dennett, 2001; Schwitzgebel, 2003). Some believe that researchers ... -
The gravity of oppositions: the life and art of Thomas Hardy
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2016)A narrative derived from the life and work of a writer can offer deeper insight than looking at his work as a separate study. To concentrate biographically on the superficial details of Hardy’s life and times without ...