Browsing FACULTY OF ARTS by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 951
The 1798 Rebellion in North Leinster
(Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2003) -
The 4th Earl of Dunraven, 1841–1926: a study of his contribution to the emerging Ireland at the beginning of the 20th century
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2003)The 4th earl of Dunraven was born in Adare in 1841 into one of the wealthiest landed families in Ireland. Succeeding to the title in 1871 he was the quintessential Irish peer, engrossing himself in travel and adventure, ... -
Abusers, Beasts and Child Molesters: The ABCs of constructing sexual abuse in the Irish print media.
(Proceedings of the 2004 Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities. Honolulu, Hawaii., 2004) -
Academic self-efficacy partially mediates the relationship between Scottish index of multiple deprivation and composite attainment score
(Frontiers, 2017)A developing literature continues to testify to the relationship between higher socio-economic status (SES) and better academic attainment. However, the literature is complex in terms of the variety of SES and attainment ... -
Accused but innocent - what should a priest do?
(The Furrow, 2007)Many priests in Ireland feel somewhat vulnerable at the moment. They fear that if an accusation of sexual misconduct with minors is made against them, they will be removed from their duties with great publicity, without ... -
Achieving equity of access to higher education in Ireland, the case for travellers
(2005)This study contains the results of two separate, but connected, studies on the access and provision for Traveller students in education in Ireland: • A review of existing policy documentation pertaining to Traveller ... -
Across the margins: cultural identity and change in the Atlantic archipelago by Glenda Norquay and Gerry Smyth
(Irish Province of the Society of Jesus, 2003) -
Adaptation of English literature texts in the context of the Junior Certificate: a student-centred and theoretical interrogation.
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2011)The idea for this thesis first came to light while teaching my first year students the novel The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. I was asked why they had to read the novel when a film had already been made. In today‘s fast-paced ... -
Adapting early modern Ireland
(Eighteenth-Century Ireland Society, 2009) -
Adeliges und bürgerliches subjekt in Kleists "Penthesilea" beobachtungen zur metainterpretation der protagonistin (pre-print version)
(J.B. Metzler, 2012)Auf einen einzelnen Vers des antiken Lyrikers Archilochos baut Isaiah Berlin seinen Tolstoj-Essay ‚The hedgehog and the fox‘ auf: „Der Fuchs kennt Vielerlei, der Igel hingegen ein Großes“. Nach Berlins Einteilung, welche ... -
Adolescents consider the future differently depending on the domain in question: Results of an exploratory study in the United Kingdom (Pre-published version)
(Elsevier, 2017)The study of Consideration of Future Consequences (CFC) construct has increased substantively in recent years. Underlying these developments is the presumption that consideration of the future is uniform across all domains, ... -
'Against the rest': fanzines and alternative music cultures in Ireland
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2015)This thesis investigates the role of fanzines in developing music communities in Ireland. It explores these fan-produced texts from the emergence of the first Irish punk fanzines in 1977 to the present, questioning their ... -
Age constraints on Precambrian glaciations and the subdivision of Neoproterozoic time
(Subcommission on Neoproterozoic Stratigraphy, 2005)A review of age constraints on the Neoproterozoic glaciations suggests that at least four distinct glacial events can be recognised, three of which appear to be global. These are (in order from oldest to youngest) the ... -
Alcohol behaviors across perceived parental security profiles in adolescents
(Journal of Child & Adolescent Behavior, 2016)Background: Previous research has suggested a bivariate or correlational relationship between attachment scores and alcohol use behaviors among adolescents. Methods: The present study is a person-oriented analysis of the ... -
Algebraic dimension of twistor spaces whose fundamental system is a pencil (pre-published version)
(London Mathematical Society, 2017)We show that the algebraic dimension of a twistor space over nℂℙ2 cannot be two if n>4 and the fundamental system (that is, the linear system associated to the half‐anti‐canonical bundle, which is available on any twistor ... -
Aliens in wartime: reactions and responses to foreign nationalities and minorities in Ireland during the First World War
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2013)Ireland was a diverse society made up of various nationalities and ethnic minorities before the twentieth century. Relationships and tensions have developed between these various ‘foreign’ groups and Ireland’s host nation ... -
„Alle Qual vom Herzen schreiben“: Performative Ästhetik von Lust und Schmerz in Margarete Böhmes Tagebuch einer Verlorenen (1905) und Dida Ibsens Geschichte (1907) in Text und Film
(Aisthesis, 2015)Lust und Schmerz spielen in Margarete Böhmes Erfolgsroman Tagebuch einer Verlorenen sowie in seiner ‚Fortsetzung‘ Dida Ibsens Geschichte. Ein Finale zum „Tagebuch einer Verlorenen” als Lebenserfahrungen der Protagonistinnen ... -
Alternate Irelands: emigration and the epistemology of Irish identity (Pre-published version)
(Jouvert, 2000)This essay begins by deconstructing the logo of the Centre for Migration studies as a way of outlining a differential perspective on Irish identity. Eschewing the traditional view of identity as sameness, this article ... -
American influence on the Gaelic League: Inspiration or control?
(Four Courts Press, 2004) -
Analytic moduli spaces of simple sheaves on families of integral curves (Pre-print version)
(Wiley, 2013)We prove the existence of fine moduli spaces of simple coherent sheaves on families of irreducible curves. Our proof is based on the existence of a universal upper bound of the Castelnuovo–Mumford regularity of such sheaves, ...