FACULTY OF ARTS: Recent submissions
Now showing items 581-600 of 951
Moving on: Achieving Equity of Access to Education in Ireland – the case of travellers
(TED Project Mary Immaculate College, 2007)This paper examines the issues of traveller access to higher education in geral, and how the moving on project at Mary Immaculate College (MIC) is addressing them specifically -
Achieving equity of access to higher education in Ireland, the case for travellers
(2005)This study contains the results of two separate, but connected, studies on the access and provision for Traveller students in education in Ireland: • A review of existing policy documentation pertaining to Traveller ... -
Evaluation of pre-university programme
(2005)Introduction. In the period of November 2004 – February 2005, the pilot Pre-University Programme, run in partnership with the Adult and Community Education Programme of County Limerick Vocational Education Committee ... -
Policy Impacts on Internationally Mobile Researchers and Research in Education
An evaluation of the Targeted initiative on access of mature Students in Ireland
(2001)This Report contains the results of two separate, but interlocking, studies on the access and provision for mature students in Irish higher Education • An evaluation of the Higher Education Authorities targeted initiative ... -
Building the Ark
(Dominican Publications, 2011) -
Insights into the Hunt Report’s Research Recommendations
(2012)National Strategy for Higher Education to 2030 in Ireland (January 2011) and what it may mean for educational research in Ireland during this time of transformation Strategy is a major review of all aspects of contemporary ... -
The Congar legacy
(Dominican Publications, 2005) -
The development of internationalisation policy in UK higher education
(2002)This study is concerned with examining the process of the intemationdsation of education and teaching within UK higher education in general, and in particular, with the impact on the working practices, values and norms ... -
The moduli stack of vector bundles on a curve (Pre-published Version)
(Ramanujan Mathematical Society, 2010)This expository text tries to explain brie y and not too technically the notions of stack and algebraic stack, emphasizing as an example the moduli stack of vector bundles on an algebraic curve. -
Trace forms of symbol algebras (Pre-published version)
(World Scientific Publishing Complany, 2012)Let S be a symbol algebra. The trace form of S is computed and it is shown how this form can be used to determine whether S is a division algebra or not. In addition, the exterior powers of the trace form of S are computed. -
SU(5) heterotic standard model bundles (Pre-published version)
(Springer Verlag, 2012)We construct a class of stable SU(5) bundles on an elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau threefold with two sections, a variant of the ordinary Weierstrass fibration, which admits a free involution. The bundles are invariant under ... -
The Boden-Hu conjecture holds precisely up to rank eight (Pre-published version)
(Springer Verlag, 2004) -
Poincaré families of G-bundles on a curve (Pre-published version)
(Springer Verlag, 2012)Let G be a reductive group over an algebraically closed field k. Consider the moduli space of stable principal G-bundles on a smooth projective curve C over k. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of ... -
New examples of stable bundles on Calabi-Yau threefolds (Pre-published Version)
(Oxford University Press, 2012)In this paper we present a construction of stable bundles on Calabi-Yau threefolds using the method of bundle extensions. This construction applies to any given Calabi-Yau threefold with h1 , 1 > 1. We give examples ... -
Independent parameters for special instanton bundles on P^{2n+1} (Pre-published Version)
(Elsevier, 2011)Motivated by Yang-Mills theory in 4n dimensions, and generalizing the notion due to Atiyah, Drinfeld, Hitchin and Manin for n = 1, Okonek, Spindler and Trautmann introduced instanton bundles and special instanton bundles ... -
Rationality and Poincaré families for vector bundles with extra structure on a curve (Pre-published version)
(Oxford University Press, 2007)Iterated Grassmannian bundles over moduli stacks of vector bundles on a curve are shown to be birational to an affine space times a moduli stack of degree 0 vector bundles, following the method of King and Schofield. ... -
The Picard group of a coarse moduli space of vector bundles in positive characteristic (Pre-published version)
(Versita, co-published with Springer Verlag., 2012)Let C be a smooth projective curve over an algebraically closed field of arbitrary characteristic. Let Mss r,L denote the projective coarse moduli scheme of semistable rank r vector bundles over C with fixed determinant ... -
The Brauer group of moduli spaces of vector bundles over a real curve
(American Mathematical Society (AMS), 2011)Let X be a geometrically connected smooth projective curve of genus gX ≥ 2 over R. Let M(r, ξ) be the coarse moduli space of geometrically stable vector bundles E over X of rank r and determinant ξ, where ξ is a real point ... -
Stability of Arakelov bundles and tensor products without global sections
(Documenta Mathematica, 2003)This paper deals with Arakelov vector bundles over an arithmetic curve, i.e. over the set of places of a number field. The main result is that for each semistable bundle E, there is a bundle F such that E⊗F has at least ...