FACULTY OF ARTS: Recent submissions
Now showing items 381-400 of 951
Assessing model fit: Caveats and recommendations for confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory structural equation modeling
(Routledge, 2015)Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is commonly used to assess measurement models in sport and exercise psychology. Frequently used as a yardstick for their adequacy, are specific cutoff values proposed by Hu and Bentler ... -
An examination of adolescent mental and physical well-being in Scottish school children: A cross-sectional study
(Open Access Text (OAT), 2017)Recent research has suggested that Scottish girls are more at risk of higher levels of psychosomatic symptomatology and lower levels of mental well-being that their male peers. We report the results of a cross-sectional ... -
The factorial validity and reliability of three versions of the aggression questionnaire using confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory structural equation modelling (Pre-published version)
(Elsevier, 2016)The Aggression Questionnaire (AQ) measures aggression in four domains: Anger, Hostility, Physical Aggression and Verbal Aggression. Moreover, a number of shorter versions of the AQ have emerged. The present study used a ... -
The applicability of self-regulation theories in sport: Goal adjustment capacities, stress appraisals, coping, and well-being among athletes (Pre-published version)
(Elsevier, 2016)Objectives: We examined a model, informed by self-regulation theories from the health psychology literature, which included goal adjustment capacities, appraisals of challenge and threat, coping, and well-being. Design: ... -
Evidence for the reliability and validity, and some support for the practical utility of the two-factor consideration of future consequences scale-14 (Pre-published version)
(Elsevier, 2016)Researchers have proposed 1-factor, 2-factor, and bifactor solutions to the 12-item Consideration of Future Consequences Scale (CFCS-12). In order to overcome some measurement problems and to create a robust and conceptually ... -
Committed relationships and enhanced threat levels: Perceptions of coach behavior, the coach-athlete relationship, stress appraisals, and coping among athletes (Pre-published version)
(Sage, 2016)How a coach is perceived to behave by the athlete may have far reaching implications in terms of performance and well being.The purpose of this study was to assess an a priori model that included perceptions of coach ... -
“Only connect”: Irish women’s voices, Latin America & the Irish women’s writing network
(The Society for Irish Latin American Studies, 2018)This essay offers a preliminary sketch of the recent critical attention given to Irish women and the literary interfaces between Ireland and Latin America (e.g. travel writers, immigrant or diasporic writers, and those ... -
Virgilian hauntings in the later poetry of Seamus Heaney
(AEDEI [Asociación Española de Estudios Irlandeses], 2018)This article examines the influence of Virgil upon the poetry of Seamus Heaney through the theoretical lens of Jacques Derrida’s Specters of Marx. The paper argues that the present and future are influenced by spectres of ... -
Irish autobiographical fiction and Hannah Lynch's "Autobiography of a child"
(ELT Press, 2012) -
Hannah Lynch and narratives of the Irish literary revival
(Center for Irish Studies (University of St. Thomas), 2016) -
Introduction: Corpus Pragmatics (Pre-published version)
(Springer Verlag, 2017) -
Status for Irish lake typologies using palaeolimnological methods and techniques (IN-SIGHT)
(Environmental Protection Agency, 2007) -
Past, current and future interactions between pressures, chemical status and biological quality elements for lakes in contrasting catchments in Ireland (ILLUMINATE)
(Environmental Protection Agency, 2010) -
Introduction: Corpus Pragmatics (Pre-published version)
(Springer Verlag, 2018) -
Using language corpora in initial teacher education: pedagogic issues and practical applications (Re-printed version)
(TESOL, 2003)Recent years have seen a vast increase in the amount of materials such as dictionaries and grammars which are ‘corpus-based’ and it is difficult to dispute the contribution of corpus linguistics to English language ... -
Delivering integrated catchment management through the bottom-up approach: a critical analysis
(Environmental Protection Agency, 2016)Managing our water is essential to support life and protect our ecosystems. Integrated catchment management= (ICM) is about bringing water issues, people and organisations together at the right scale in order to achieve ... -
The pragmatics of the be + after + V-ing construction in Irish English (Pre-published version)
(Mouton de Gruyter, 2009)This paper looks at a well-documented form in Irish English, ‘be after + Verb-ing’ (e.g. ‘He's after forgetting to pay her’) which roughly equates to the present perfect aspect in Standard English. The structure, a calque ... -
Can English provide a framework for Spanish response tokens? (Pre-published version)
(Springer, Dordrecht, 2013)This paper investigates the question of whether response items in Spanish can be analysed using frameworks developed for the study of similar items in English. Data comes from the Spanish corpus COREC, the Corpus Oral de ... -
Applying corpus linguistics and conversation analysis in the investigation of small group teaching in higher education (Pre-published version)
(de Gruyter, 2012)In this paper, we consider how a combined corpus linguistics and conversation analysis methodology can reveal new insights into the relationship between interaction patterns, language use, and learning. The context of the ... -
Research in the teaching of speaking (Pre-published version)
(Cambridge University Press: Cambridge Journals, 2004)