Browsing Psychology (Conference proceedings) by Title
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Counterfactual promises and threats
(Cognitive Science Society, 2004)We examine counterfactual conditionals about promises, such as ‘if you had tidied your room then I would have given you ice-cream’ and threats such as ‘if you had hit your sister then I would have grounded you’. Reasoners ... -
Counterfactual ‘only if ’ conditionals
(Cognitive Science Society, 2003)People understand a conditional, 'if A then B', such as 'if Peg went swimming then she felt well' by keeping in mind only true possibilities, e.g., A and B, not-A and not-B, not-A and B (Johnson-Laird & Byrne, 2002). ... -
Does time spent watching television in early childhood affect socio-emotional development?
(ESRI [Economic and Social Research Institute], 2014) -
How we undo the past: counterfactual thinking about enablers
(PSI [Psychological Society of Ireland], 2010) -
Screen-time versus screen type: The impact of screen engagement on cognitive development in Irish 5 year olds
(ESRI [Economic & Social Research Institute], 2018) -
Thinking counterfactually – how controllability affects the ‘undoing’ of causes and enablers.
(Cognitive Science Society, 2008)Abstract Previous research on counterfactual thoughts about prevention suggests that people tend to focus on enabling rather than causing agents. However, research has also demonstrated that people have a preference ... -
What else could have caused it? Counterfactuals, enablers and alternatives
(Science Foundation Ireland, 2010)The aim of this study was to explore why people focus on enablers rather than causes in their counterfactual thinking (i.e., how people undo the past). We report the results of an experiment that compared causes and enablers ...